PostHeaderIcon Girly Valentine

Supplies Needed
I have used the Awesome Artwork of Keith Garvey you can buy from Mypsptubes
Scrapkit is Called Girly Valentine and is FTU you can download this beautiful kit from Bubbles-Dream..Thanks so much
Template 75 you can Download from Denz designz...Thanks Denny
Font of Choice

Lets Begin:
Open Template 75 Duplicate shift+D then close original
Open the Fan from the Elements and copy and paste as new layer
on top of the Circle at the back stretch it to fit and cover the Circle.
Highlight the Frames one at a time grab magic wand click in the edge  then in the Border
New layer and use paper 14 paste into selection then select none
Highlight the inner part of the frame grab magic wand then  one at a time  on a new layer
copy and paste paper 5 into selection keep them selected and copy and paste
your choice of Tube then selection invert delete on each one
Lower the opacity on on one of them to  50% and the other one 90%
select none...
Highlight the Heart at the front in layers palette
Grab magic wand again then click inside and outside of the heart
new layer and use paper 5 again to copy and paste into selection
keep selected and copy and paste your tube again then selection invert delete.
lower the Blend to Luminance Legacy..
select none
Now add the Elements
Open Diamond and pearl Bow resize at 40% then copy and paste as new layer
on top of the Fan like mine...
Open the flower of choice resize at 40% then copy and paste on the frames
Duplicate till you have 3 of them and arrange like mine..
Open Black Envelope resize at 40% then copy and paste as you wish on new layer
Open Glass resize that at 40% copy and paste as new layer near the envelope
Open the Glitter doodle then copy and paste below the frame
Open the Balloon resize to 40% then place that at the back of the Tube..
Copy and paste your Tube again on the front then drop shadow
at 5 5 50 5 black..
Merge all visible
Add Copyrights to your Tag
Save as PNG:

Hope you enjoyed my tutorial.
Written by Shaz 2011
((This Tutorial is Written By Me Any Resemblence to any other is purely Coincidental.))
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