PostHeaderIcon Glamour Vamp

Supplies Needed
I have used the Beautiful Artwork of Keith Garveys you can buy his Tubes from  PSP Tubes Emporium 
Do Not Use without a Licence for PTE

Scrapkit is PTU Called Evil Queen  You can buy this beautiful Kit at Designs-N-Digital

Designers Website is Addictive Pleasures  thanks Tamie
Font Of Choice

Lets Begin:
Open New Raster Layer 600 x 600 then flood fill white

Open Frame 2 copy and paste onto canvas

Open Tube of choice then on new layer copy and paste below the frame

Duplicate the Frame move one on top layer make sure the tube
is between the two frames then delete parts of the frame at the head part
and the bottom part of tube....once done merge down to frame.

New layer open paper 9 then copy and paste below the frame
I did it this way because of all the gaps..I used the eraser tool to take off what I didnt want
Then Merge down to the frame..

Drop shadow at 5 5 50 5 black then resize at 90%

Open the Owl Tube resize at 40% then copy and paste as you wish
or place on the frame drop shadow as we go along

Open Glitter copy and paste below the frame place at the corner
now duplicate till you have 4 of them and place them like mine merge all glitters  down..

Open Rose resize at 50% copy and paste as you wish then duplicate

Open Goblet resize at 50% copy and paste as you wish then duplicate merge down

All Done
Add Copyrights to your work
and save as PNG:

Tutorials done in PSP 9....

Hope you enjoyed my tutorial.
Written by Shaz 2011
((This Tutorial is Written By Me Any Resemblence to any other is purely Coincidental.))


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