PostHeaderIcon Blooming Spring (Purple)

Supplies Needed:
I have used the beautiful Artwork of Keith Garvey you can buy from My PSP TUBES 
Scrapkit is PTU Called Blooming Of Spring available from ButterflyBlushstores. 
The Designer of this beautiful kit is  Candys Treasures...Thanks Candy
This Kit is Superb it has 5 Colours of same Elements and papers..Gorgous
Font Of Choice:

Lets Begin:
Open New Canvas 600 x 600 flood fill white
Open Frame 1 from the kit there are 5 colours to choose from I chose Purple.
Resize the frame 25% then copy and paste as new layer onto canvas then resize again at 50%

Open Purple Satin Paper resize it 10% then copy and paste as new layer onto canvas
move it below the frame so you can see what you can erase
take off all the outside paper from the frame..

Now Open Tube of Choice then copy and paste the tube below the frame and shrink to fit as you want it
once thats done you can drop shadow the Tube 5 5 50 5 Black
then merge all visible except the background.

Open one of the Jewell Accents resize it 10% then copy and paste it onto each corner
of the frame like mine duplicate till you have 4..

Merge Down
Now Duplicate the frame
Move it downwards a little like mine then merge down again..
Now Drop shadow the frame
same settings as above

Now Open the Purple Flower Ribbon resize it 45% copy and paste as new layer then resize again at 60%
then copy and paste it downwards where the Diamonds are
Duplicate Image Mirror.
Open Tube again and copy and paste it at each side of the frame like I have see above.

Now Open Purple Button resize at 30%
copy and paste onto the frame..

I resized the Diamond again at 10% then placed it in the middle at the top of frame....

Now Merge all Visible except background then Drop shadow again..

Now Merge all Visible..
Add Copyrights to your Tag
Save as PNG:
Hope you enjoyed my tutorial.
Written by Shazladyuk 2010
((This Tutorial is Written By Me Any Resemblence to any other is purely Coincidental.))


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