PostHeaderIcon Sweet Candi

Supplies Needed:
I have used the beautiful Artwork of Elias Chatzoudis you can buy from PSP Tubes Emporium
I bought this  Tube with the MPT Licence
Scrapkit is Called Sweet Candi you can buy this scrapkit at  Dreams-N-Digital Thanks Tamie
Designers Website is Addictive Pleasures
Template  107 is FTU you can Download from Addictive Templates  Thanks Tamie
Font Of Choice:

Lets Begin:
Open Template you downloaded then Duplicate Shift+D then close original
Delete the top layer.
Now Open papers before we start then shrink them till we need them
Open 2   3  and 11..
Highlight Raster 4 in layers palette go to your magic wand then click inside till you have marching ants
Copy and paste paper 11  into selection select none
Highlight Raster 7 in layers palette do as above but use paper 3 instead
Highlight Raster 2 and 3 and do as above and use paper 2 into selection.
you can leave all other colours as they are...
Open Tube of choice then copy and paste as I have or your own choice
Drop shadow the Tubes at 5  5  50  5 black.
Drop Shadow all parts of the Template as above...
Open Text 2 from the scrapkit then copy and paste on the circle like mine
Erase the other parts with eraser tool that's not in the circle we don't need that go to Effects 3D Effects then Inner Bevel
use the setting as below for the Text.
Select none.
Open Glitter copy and paste above background layer arrange like mine duplicate till you have 3
Open Bow 3 resize at 60% then copy and paste as you wish.
Open Beads resize at 60% then copy and paste as you wish
You can now Merge all visible

Add Copyrights to your Tag
Save as PNG:
Hope you enjoyed my tutorial.
Written by Shazladyuk 2011
((This Tutorial is Written By Me Any Resemblence to any other is purely Coincidental.))


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